Australian Standards

Ozihub signage and products are manufactured to meet or exceed all relevant Australian and International Standards (IMO Signs). The specific standards applicable to each category of sign are listed below.

Heavy Vehicle Signs
Our truck signage is manufactured to comply with AS 1614 and AS 1906.

Hazchem Signs
Our Hazchem signs are manufactured to meet ADG7,Australian Dangerous Goods Code.

Exit Signs
Our exit signs are manufactured to meet AS 2293, AS 1319, ISO 3864 and ISO 23601.

Fire Signs
Our Fire Signs are manufactured to meet AS 2444, AS 2419 and AS1319.

IMO Signs
Our IMO signs are manufactured to comply with ISO 24409-1  and  ISO 3864-1    

Safety Signs
Our safety signs are manufactured to comply with AS 1319.

Traffic Signs
Our traffic signs are manufactured to comply with AS 1319, AS 1743 and The Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Queensland) (MUTCD)

Truck Rear Marker Plates
Our Truck Rear Marker Plates are manufactured to comply with AS 4001.